
Collection of charts depicting the hardware and uses of computing, communication and domestic technology in India

2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games Collection


PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'

237 items

Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'

3 items

Collection of Newspapers Printed by Trafford Park Printers


British windmills: a bibliographic guide

Drawing of details of cover plate and gasket for driving wheel axle boxes

4 boxes and 1 tube of rolled drawings

Archaeological Archive for Flint Glassworks, Manchester

2 boxes plus site drawings

Archaeological Archive for Moore's Mill, New Islington Wharf

13 boxes; 1.65 linear metres

GM Archive / Professor Rosemary Hails collection of GM reference and source material

1 item

Monsanto annual report 1998

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme


Guinness World Records certificate awarded for most durable TV presenter and longest running TV show with same presenter for The Sky at Night

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme


Treatise entitled 'The Intellectual Property Speculators'

1 item

"Genetic engineering dream or nightmare? The brave new world of bad science and big business" by Dr Mae-Wan Ho

1 item

P J Walker's notes on KDF 6, KDF7, KDF8 and KDP10.

4 items

Material relating to the "Mark & Lard" Show

The papers are the associated technical documents for development of the Central Tracking Detector (CTD) for the ZEUS experiment, Germany’s DESY accelerator. They include lab notebooks, project reports, photographs, engineering drawings, technical proposals, technical reports, and project videos. In addition to scientific and technical papers, the archive includes papers relating to project budgets and the transportation of equipment between England and Germany. The CTD was designed and built by a consortium of several UK institutes, including Oxford University, Imperial, UCL, Bristol, RAL, and Glasgow. It sat at the heart of the ZEUS detector, with the wider experiment involving 450 physicists and engineers from institutes around the world. ZEUS was run on the Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator (HERA) at DESY in Hamburg. Techniques developed for the CTD are now used in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Documents related to development of the ZEUS Central Tracking Detector.

1 bankers box; 0.50 linear metres

GM Archive / Martin Livermore collection comprising material about genetically modified crops and agricultural biotechnology

0.3 linear metres

Archaeological Archive for Macintosh Mill

1 item

Strategic Rail Authority: Mr Mike Grant, Chief Executive and Mr Terence Jenner, Director of Corporate Services


EQUINOX "The rise and fall of GM"

The Daily Mail "Frankenstein food? You'll be made to like it"

The Daily Mail "Frankenstein food? You'll be made to like it"

2 CDs

Agbios "Essential biosafety"


Poster for Boddingtons sponsorship of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, Manchester

1 item

Monsanto "Introducing Roundup Ready corn, the absolute in weed control" booklet

Colour printed sales catalogue providing details and specifications of textile testing and laboratory equipment.

Catalogue No. 10

1 item

Prime Minister's Strategy Unit "The costs and benefits of genetically modified (GM) crops" scoping note


Letter from Professor Ian Bremner to Dr Peter Collins relating to the work carried out by Dr Pusztai on transgenic potatoes


Stars of Destiny. A Scientific look at Astrology

1 book

"Biotechnology in the public sphere: A European sourcebook"

1 item

"Rethinking risk a pilot multi-criteria mapping of a genetically modified crop in agricultural systems in the UK" by Andy Stirling and Sue Mayer

1 folder

John Bassett Retirement File

1 item

"Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland

1 document

Emails between Shriti Vadera and Dan Corry and draft press notice

1 item

Making the Modern World trail

1 item

Swedish Technology Foresight "The foresighted society"


Certificate 'Internationais Astronautica Academia MCMLX'


Letter from Professor Michael Wilson to Mr Chris Towner concerning the Friends of the Earth ‘Picnic’ at the HRI Wellesbourne Site in the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald on 5 August


Contact sheets depicting Patrick Moore in a garden with several telescopes

3 items

Correspondence with Dr Allan Chapman

1 item

From Vina Oberlander regarding exhibition meeting to consider Trewavas' research proposal

1 item

"The case for a GM-free sustainable world" Independent Science Panel (ISP)

1 item

"Seeds of doubt North America farmers' experiences of GM crops" Soil Association Organic Standard


Email message from Jane Fletcher to Patrick Moore

1 item

"GM nation? The Public Debate"

1 item

"GM food" by Anthony Trewavas and Fred Mellon


E-mail from Harriett Butchko to Professor Michael Wilson concerning an article "Scientist revolt at publication of ‘flawed’ GM study" published in the ‘Independent’ newspaper

1 item

ADAS correspondence regarding Supply Chain Initiative on Modified Agricultural Crops audit of crops